Helpful Healing Hands

Abby is a Spiritual Energy Healing practitioner. She has been practicing in the holistic health, energy healing and bodywork field since 2008. Practicing Craniosacral Therapy, Matrix Energetics, Reiki and other energy healing modalities, in person or remotely. These sessions bring about transformation and healing from old patterns, helping clients to feel a wonderful calm happiness and reilef as the results of these sessions.

Book now

    • Custom HHH Energy Healing Session

      from $35
      These sessions are a blend of cranionsacral therapy and matrix energetics, both of which are super helpful and transformational modalities. In these sessions, you will be fully clothed and your body will unwind and change as It lets go. These are in person at the office sessions.
    • Remote Distance Healing Session (30 min)

      Remote healing session are done from a distance via telephone call, Facetime or Whatsapp. I use a variety of different techniques, such as craniosacral therapy, matrix energetics, reiki and many other useful teachings to help recreate the clients life as being a more balanced, aware and happy person. I ask that you find a fairly quiet place where you can sit or lay comfortable, headphones are helpful. We will begin your journey to a more comfortable body and mind.
      Please Note: this session will be booked in Pacific Standard Time (PST)
    • Remote Distance Healing Session (60 min)

      Remote healing session are done from a distance via telephone call, Facetime or Whatsapp. I use a variety of different techniques, such as craniosacral therapy, matrix energetics, reiki and many other useful teachings to help recreate the clients life as being a more balanced, aware and happy person. I ask that you find a fairly quiet place where you can sit or lay comfortable, headphones are helpful. We will begin your journey to a more comfortable body and mind.
      Please note: this session is booked in Pacific Standard Time(PST)
    • Remote Distance Healing Session (90min)

      Remote healing sessions are done from a distance via telephone call, Facetime or Whatsapp. I use a variety of different techniques, such as craniosacral therapy, matrix energetics, reiki and many other useful teachings to help recreate the clients life as being a more balanced, aware and happy person. I ask that you find a fairly quiet place where you can sit or lay comfortable, headphones are helpful. We will begin your journey to a more comfortable body and mind.
      Please note: This session will be in Pacific Standard Time (PST) and I will call you promptly at the start time.
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